Monday, August 25, 2008

Pondering Pretty Illustrations and a 'Phlier' for a Proposed Project

Yes, those white things sticking up are wind turbines.

Yes, there are two different conceptual illustrations of the same proposed project.

Yes, it is rational to be confused, at this point.

Yes, the proposed access illustrated on the left of the two illustrations is on Alma Street.

Yes, for a short time my head did explode.

Yes, I am better now.

Yes, I think Dr. Vladovic needs to hide from his phone and his inbox.

Yes, LAUSD considers the Alternative of just eliminating the wind turbines, repeat wind turbines, is a reasonable Alternative to building the project with the preferred plans.

Yes. please add ice to my 7 and 7.

Yes, I am fairly over being mad about the DEIR.

Yes, it is quite alright to poke fun at the DEIR, if you have recovered from your head exploding.

Yes, THEY did bring us THIS DEIR.

Yes, I do believe LAUSD thinks we are fools.

Yes, the DEIR is fair game to crush.

Yes, we should be objective to a point.

Yes, it is also perfectly alright to be mad at the bureaucrats who thought up this monster.

Yes, you need to be at the September 4, 2008 meeting.

Yes, I already have 35 pages of notes and comments written concerning the DEIR.

Yes, I think the DEIR is flawed and demonstrates that LAUSD is and had been disingenous to many of us.


Yes, please sleep well and be happy.

Yes, many of us have "got your back."

Yes, Bob Bisno continues to want to build One Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty condominiums in San Pedro with everyone using ONLY Western Avenue for ingress and egress.

Yes, the Port of L.A. wants to put two cruise ship berths miles away from vehicle parking for passengers of the ships.

Yes, we are living in pretty goofy times in OUR community.

Yes, if you don't have a good sense of humor you may want to pack up and leave.

Yes, WIND TURBINES in a residential area on a bluff where wind speed, according to an LAUSD manager is ONLY 6 mph.

Yes, some nightmares do come true.

Yes, I must stop writing this post.

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